Tourism Opportunities

Masvingo is home to the Great Zimbabwe Monument, Kyle Reacreational Park, Gonarezhou National Park, and the Mushandike Sanctuary among others.

Mining Opportunities

Home to a diverse range of minerals; opportunities exist in Mining engineering, Geology, Metallurgy, Mining administration, Minerals development, Procurement etc..

Agriculture opportunities

Masvingo is home to 2 of Zimbabwe's largest water bodies, Lake Mutirikwi and Tokwe-Murkosi Dam. This makes it attractive for irrigation agriculture all year round

Industry opportunities

Masvingo has a vast developed and undeveloped industrial space to pursue varied industrial pursuits. Opportunities exist in Transport, Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction, Retail and Education.

Latest Updates


The Masvingo City fathers have implemented the following work in progress measures in response to the threat caused by the covid-19 outbreak.

1- Rujeko clinic set aside as isolation facility.
2- Masvingo city council and Ministry of Health and Child Care to provide trained staff at the facilities.
3-Technical issues to be addressed by Doctor Makurira in liaison with PMD.
4-Environmental health officers doing awareness campaigns.

NB: We edge residents to exercise hygienic practices all the time.

All stakeholders interested in spreading the awareness can contact Masvingo City Council  Town Clerk( 0773 223 531 ).


Crocodiles infest most rivers which converge here offering immense potential in croc farmingand downstream industries. This has been done and can still be done at a grand stand.


The sugar plantations of Triangle and Chiredzi together with the large water bodies in the province have great potential for Agro Tourism


The Italian Chapel which is located 4 kilometres east of Masvingo, Mu tare highway, was built by the second world war Italian prisoners captured by the British and held at the 5th camp extension  P of Fort Victoria. The chapel was built between 1942 and 1946. Inside are remains of 71 Italian prisoners of war.


Masvingo Province has a number of major dams which can be utilised for irrigation purposes.
Of importance to mention is the recently completed Tokwe Mukorsi dam which has the capacity to irrigate 25 000ha.
Establishment of hydropower plant at Tokwe-Mukorsi and Manyuchi dam.
Developing infrastructure through investment.
In terms of irrigation development, the available water storage can support±30000 hectares


Buffalo Range Airport always gives its guests a warm welcome in terms of its natural hospitality and climatic conditions.

Masvingo airport is strategically located and provides air access to the City of Masvingo and the Great Zimbabwe National Monument
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