Masvingo is one of the ten administrative provinces in Zimbabwe. The province is situated in the south-eastern part of the country. It is further sub-divided into seven administrative districts namely: Bikita, Chiredzi, Chivi, Gutu, Masvingo, Mwenezi and Zaka. The city of Masvingo is the provincial capital Masvingo. Chiredzi and Triangle are two urban settlements with town statuses in the province. All the seven districts have business centres known as growth points. During the last population census that was conducted in 2012, the province of Masvingo recorded a total population of 1 485 090 (697 992 Males and 787 098 females).

Climatically, the province experiences two distinct seasons namely summer which starts from mid-September to May, and winter between June and mid-September. The greater part of the province is located in the Lowveld and as a result it receives comparably less rainfall from the month of October to February. However, the province has the largest water bodies in the country and these support vibrant large scale irrigation schemes and other agricultural activities. 
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